1 O Spirit, all-embracing and counselor all-wise,
Unbounded splendor gracing a shoreless sea of skies:
Unfailing is your treasure, unfading your reward;
Surpassing worldly pleasure, the riches you afford.
Come, stream of endless flowing, and rescue us from death;
Come, wind of springtime blowing, and warm us by your breath.
2 O Beauty, ever-blazing in flower, field and face,
You show yourself amazing in unexpected place.
We see you and remember what once our dreams had been;
You fan the glowing ember and kindle hope within.
Come, fire of glory gracious, bless all who trust in you;
Undying flame tenacious, burn in your church anew.
3 Come, passion’s power holy, your insight here impart,
And give your servants lowly an understanding heart
To know your care more clearly when faith and love are tried,
To seek you more sincerely when false ideals have died:
For vision we implore you, for wisdom’s pure delight;
In prayer we come before you to wait upon your light.

First Line:
O Spirit, all-embracing and counselor all-wise, Unbounded splendor gracing a shoreless sea of skies:
Songbook: All Creation Sings
Page Number: 944
Song Key: B flat
Language: English
Authors: Delores Dufner
Tune Name: THAXTED
Composer: Gustav Holst
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
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