1.O thank the LORD, declare his name;
his wondrous deeds to all proclaim.
Sing praise to him, his works record;
let all rejoice who seek the LORD.
O seek the LORD, his presence seek!
Remember all his wondrous deeds,
the mighty judgments he declared,
O seed of Abr’am, Jacob’s heirs.
2.He is the LORD; he rules the earth,
remembering his holy word:
the cov’nant he did e’er command,
the covenant with Abraham,
the promise sure that Isaac heard,
which unto Jacob he confirmed,
he swore to Isr’el, “I will give
youCanaan as your heritage.”
3.When few in number, very few,
they sojourned there while passing through.
They wandered on from land to land,
through kingdoms on to other clans.
He let none hurt them nor oppress,
he chided kings in their defense:
“Touch not my anointed ones, be warned!
And to my prophets do no harm!”
4.He summoned famine on the land;
their food was stopped at his command.
But Joseph, sent ahead of them,
was sold a slave to ruthless men.
His feet in fetters were confined,
his neck put in a brace of iron.
’Til his predictions came to pass,
the LORD’s word proved him as a test.
5.The king then sent for his release,
the ruler gave him liberty.
He made him lord of all his lands,
his princes bowed to his commands.
Then Israel came to Egypt’s land,
and Jacob sojourned there in Ham.
The LORD God made his people grow;
he made them stronger than their foe.
6. He changed their hearts to hate his own,
to plot against his servants’ sons.
And Moses, Aaron then he sent,
to Ham to do his signs for them.
He sent deep darkness on the land;
against his words they did not stand.
He turned their waters into blood,
which caused their fish to be destroyed.
7. The frogs filled palaces and homes;
his word caused flies and gnats to swarm.
He gave them hail, bright lightning flashed;
he struck their vines, the trees he slashed.
He spoke and countless locusts came,
and all things green the locusts ate.
The firstborn of the land he killed,
the firstfruits of their strength and skill.
8. He brought out Isr’el, strong and bold,
with Egypt’s silver and their gold.
How glad was Egypt when they left,
for dread of Isr’el on them fell.
God covered them with cloud by day,
his fire by night to guide their way.
They asked, and he brought quail for them;
he gave them ample bread from heav’n.
9. He split the rock and water gushed,
like streams through desert land it rushed.
For he recalled his holy word,
he swore to Abrah’m long before.
He brought them out with songs of joy,
and gave them lands where others toiled,

First Line:
O thank the LORD, declare his name; his wondrous deeds to all proclaim.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 105A
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Composer: "Harmonia Perfecta", 1730
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!