1.O thank the LORD for all his goodness:
his love endures forevermore!
Let Isr’el say in joyful chorus:
“His love endures forevermore!”
O house of Aaron, join your voices:
“His love endures forevermore!”
Let all who fear the LORD declare it:
“His love endures forevermore!”
2.I sought the LORD in my affliction;
he answered me and set me free.
The LORD is on my side; I fear not—
what harm can man do unto me?
The LORD is on my side to help me;
the LORD, my helper, will avail.
I look upon my foes in triumph;
those hating me will not prevail.
3.Far better is the LORD for refuge—
better than putting trust in men.
Far better is the LORD for refuge—
better than trusting in a prince.
On ev’ry side the nations hounded,
but in God’s name I cut them off.
On ev’ry side I was surrounded,
but in the LORD I cut them off.
4.Tho’ nations swarmed like bees around me,
quickly, like thorns aflame, they died.
For in the LORD’s name I destroyed them;
when I was crushed the LORD gave aid.
He has become my great salvation,
my strength, my song; the LORD we bless.
Glad songs of vict’ry and salvation
dwell in the tents of righteousness.
5. “The right hand of the LORD is mighty!
The LORD’s right hand is lifted high!
The right hand of the LORD is mighty!
His valiant arm is strong to fight!”
I shall not die, but live, and praise him;
his wondrous deeds I will profess.
Though God has chastened me severely,
he has not giv’n me up to death.
6. Open to me the gates of justice;
open the gates of righteousness,
that I may enter them with gladness
and show the LORD my thankfulness.
This is the gate the righteous enter,
the gateway of the LORD our God.
You have become my great salvation;
you answered me and made me glad.
7. The stone the builders had rejected
now has become the cornerstone.
How marvelous to us this wonder;
this is the work of God alone!
This is the day, the LORD has made it!
Be glad in it, rejoice, and bless.
Save us, we pray, O LORD! Hosanna!
O LORD, we pray, give us success.
8. Blest he who in the LORD’s name enters;
we bless you from his holy house.
The LORD is God; he shines upon us.
Bind up with cords your sacrifice.
Bring to the altar’s horns your off’ring.
You are my God, whom I adore.
O thank the LORD for all his goodness,
his love endures forevermore.

First Line:
O thank the LORD for all his goodness: his love endures forevermore!
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 118A
Song Key: G
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Themes: Psalm 118
Composer: Genevan Psalter, 1551; Harm. Claude Goudimel, 1564
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!