1. O thou, th’Eternal Son of God,
the Lamb for sinners slain,
we worship, while thy head is bowed
in agony and pain.
2. None tread with thee the holy place;
thou sufferest alone;
thine is the perfect sacrifice
which only can atone.
3. Thou Great High Priest, thy glory-robes
today are laid aside;
and human sorrows, Son of Man,
thy Godhead seem to hide.
4. The cross is sharp, but in thy woe
this is the lightest part;
our sin it is which pierces thee,
and breaks thy sacred heart.
5. Who love thee most, at thy dear cross
will truest, Lord, abide;
make thou that cross our only hope,
O Jesus crucified.

First Line:
O thou, th’Eternal Son of God, the Lamb for sinners slain,
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 346
Song Key: E flat
Language: English
Authors: William C. Dix, 1864
Tune Name: HORSLEY
Composer: William Horsley, 1844
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain