1 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
The wind, the waves are high.
You hold me when the waves are strong.
You hold me lest I die, I die.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.
2 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
My desert sand is dry.
You break the rock, a river flows.
You hear me when I cry, I cry.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.
3 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
You calm the fear and pain.
One word of faith and I am well,
I rise to praise and walk again.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.
4 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
You host the table set.
We break the bread, we drink the cup;
we know whom we have met, have met.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.
5 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
The Easter grave is sealed;
you roll the stone--you, God, alone--
then sin and death are healed, are healed.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.
6 Praise, praise! You are my rock.
You stood high on a hill.
A holy cloud: you are on high.
Be still, my heart, be still, be still.
Praise, praise! O God, you are my rock.