1.Praise the LORD! My soul, O praise him!
I will praise him all my days.
I will sing while I have being;
I will sing to God my praise!
Put no confidence in princes,
mortal men who cannot save.
All their plans will come to nothing
when they perish in the grave.
2.O how blest the man who trusts in
Jacob’s God to be his aid.
O how blest the one whose hope upon
the LORD his God is stayed,
he who made the earth and heaven
and the seas, with all their store;
he who keeps his word forever,
he is faithful evermore.
3. He will always render justice
for the sake of those oppressed.
He gives food to those who hunger,
satisfies their emptiness.
God releases all the pris’ners,
to the blind the LORD gives sight.
He lifts up those bowed in anguish
and relieves them from their plight.
4.How the LORD loves all the righteous,
and the alien defends,
helps the orphan and the widow,
judgment on the wicked sends.
God the LORD will reign forever;
Zion’s God forevermore
reigns through ev’ry generation.
Hallelujah! Praise the LORD!

First Line:
Praise the LORD! My soul, O praise him! I will praise him all my days.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 146
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: RIPLEY
Themes: Psalm 146
Composer: Lowell Mason, 1839
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!