Praise the Lord who reigns above
And keeps His court below;
Praise the holy God of love
And all His greatness show;
Praise Him for His noble deeds;
Praise Him for His matchless power;
Him from whom all good proceeds
Let earth and Heaven adore.
Jesus reigns, let earth be glad,
Let distant shore rejoice.
Heav'n proclaim His righteousness;
Earth sing with ev'ry voice.
praise Him ev'ry tuneful string;
All the songs of heav'nly art,
All the pow'rs of music bring,
The music of the heart.
Him, in whom they move and live,
Let every creature sing,
Glory to their maker give,
And homage to their king.
Praise His everlasting name,
As in Heaven on earth adored;
Praise the Lord in every breath,
Let all things praise the Lord.