1.Preserve me, O God, for I’m trusting in you.
“Yes, you are my master,” I said to the LORD;
besides you I do not possess any good.
In your holy messengers I take delight.
2.Those running to idols will multiply griefs.
I will not pour out their drink off’rings of blood,
nor will I confess their vain names with my lips.
The LORD’s my inherited portion and cup.
3. You care for my lot,where the lines fell to me,
my pleasant and lovely inherited land.
The LORD who gives counsel to me I will bless,
for surely my mind teaches me through the night.
4.The LORD ever present before me I keep.
He stands at my right hand; I shall not be moved.
My glory rejoices, my heart is made glad;
and also my flesh will live safely at ease.
5.For you’ll not abandon my soul to the grave,
your godly One you will preserve from decay.
Life’s path you will show me; full joy is with you;
your right hand holds pleasures for me evermore.

First Line:
.Preserve me, O God, for I’m trusting in you. “Yes, you are my master,” I said to the LORD;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 16B
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: "The Book of Psalms for Worship", 2009
Themes: Psalm 16
Composer: Don McCrory, b. 1956
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- The Board of Education and Publication of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (Crown & Covenant)
- Don McCrory