Home REJOICE - Lead Line
REJOICE - Lead Line-ppt
REJOICE - Lead Line

First Line:

Come and stand before your maker Full of wonder full of fear

Songbook: Praise Charts (compatible)

Song Key: A

Language: English

Authors: Dustin Kensrue and Stuart townend

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


Includes Wide Format!

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Verse 1

Come and stand before your maker

Full of wonder full of fear

Come behold his power and glory

Yet with confidence draw near

For the one who holds the heavens

And commands the stars above

Is the God who bends to bless us

With an unrelenting love

Chorus 1


Come and lift your hands and raise your voice

He is worthy of all praise


Sing the mercies of your king

And with trembling rejoice

Verse 2

We are children of the promise

The beloved of the Lord

Won with everlasting kindness

Bought with sacrificial blood

Bringing reconciliation

To a world that longs to know

The affections of a father

Who will never let them go

Verse 3

All our sickness all our sorrows

Jesus carried up the hill

He has walked this path before us

He is walking with us still

Turning tragedy to triumph

Turning agony to praise

There is blessing in the battle

So take heart and stand amazed

Chorus 2


When you cry to him he hears your voice

He will wipe away your tears


In the midst of suffering

He will help you sing

Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!

Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.

All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.


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