Rizpah was a loving mother, forced to watch her sons’ demise.
Helpless to prevent their slaughter, filled with naught but heavy cries.
David offered them as price to satisfy those wronged by Saul.
Soon her boys were executed, strung up to be viewed by all.
Sleeping on naught but a sackcloth, Rizpah watched her sons decay.
Long she held her solemn vigil, shielding them through night and day.
Soon the birds came for the feasting, but she chased them from her sons.
Many witnessed Rizpah’s anguish, watched her mourn her precious ones.
Through her lengthy, public vigil, Rizpah preached, she testified.
She showed us the senseless violence, Rizpah’s grief was justified.
May we learn from her insistence, may we cease our pointless rage.
May we witness this hard story, usher in a kinder age.
Hear the parents all around us, those whose children live in fear.
See their anguish at the violence, let’s make justice persevere!
Let us learn from Rizpah’s mourning, may we hear her wailing cry.
Help us, Lord, to cease our fighting. May our mercy multiply!