1. Savior, teach me, day by day,
love’s sweet lesson to obey;
sweeter lesson cannot be,
loving him who first loved me.
2. With a child’s glad heart of love,
at thy bidding may I move;
prompt to serve and follow thee,
loving him who first loved me.
3. Teach me thus thy steps to trace,
strong to follow in thy grace;
learning how to love from thee,
loving him who first loved me.
4. Love in loving finds employ,
in obedience all her joy;
ever new that joy will be,
loving him who first loved me.

First Line:
Savior, teach me, day by day, love’s sweet lesson to obey;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 493
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: Jane E. Leeson, 1842
Tune Name: POSEN
Themes: Love for Christ
Composer: Georg C. Strattner, 1691
Arranger: J. A. Freylinghausen, 1705
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain