1 Signs and wonders lead the dancing
from the heart God frees from fear:
wings of angels greet the maiden,
and God finds a dwelling here;
boldly may we lift our hands,
bow the head, and voice Amen;
thus does glory shine at midnight:
open hearts invite the starlight.
2 Hope and freedom join the circle:
Mary to the garden came,
saw the radiance of the marvel,
heard the Risen call her name;
boldly may we heed Christ's call,
step beyond the garden wall:
beautiful the feet proceeding
with good news of death's defeating.
3 Cast aside all fear and hiding;
hand in hand we dance the round.
God is with us, Christ, abiding,
and the Spirit's gifts abound.
Called by God to holiness,
let us boldly serve and bless;
and to hearts that sigh and hanger
may our lives dance signs and wonders.