Home SLOW ME DOWN - Lead Line
SLOW ME DOWN - Lead Line-ppt
SLOW ME DOWN - Lead Line

First Line:

O good shepherd would you teach me how to rest I’m rushing on will you make me to lie down

Song Key: D

Language: English

Authors: Leslie Jordan, Sandra McCracken, Matthew Kaemingk, Wendell Kimbrough, Kate Bluett

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


Includes Wide Format!

PrePay price: $6.78 or less!

Verse 1

O good shepherd would you teach me how to rest
I’m rushing on will you make me to lie down
Will you build a fold by the waters that refresh
Will you call my name and lead me safely out

Verse 2

From my anxious drive to labor on and on
From the restless grind that has Put my mind to sleep
Will you call me back and gently slow me down
Will you show me now what to lose and what to keep


O Good Shepherd O Good friend slow me down slow me down

Verse 3

When my table’s bent with only greed and gold
And my grasping hands are afraid you won’t provide
Will you pour the wine that loosens up my hold
Set your table here with what truly satisfies


On the busy streets trying to make myself a name
If the work is yours there is nothing I can claim
Will you home to the pastures of your peace
The house is yours i’m sitting at your feet

Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!

Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.

All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.


  • Integrity Music


  • CCLI

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