1. The battle is the Lord’s!
The harvest fields are white;
how few the reaping hands appear,
their strength how slight!
Yet victory is sure,
we face a vanquished foe;
then forward with the risen Christ
to battle go!
2. The battle is the Lord’s!
Not ours in strength or skill,
but his alone in sov’reign grace,
to work his will.
Ours, counting not the cost,
unflinching, to obey;
and in his time his holy arm
shall win the day.
3. The battle is the Lord’s!
The Victor crucified
must with the anguish of his soul
be satisfied.
The pow’rs of hell shall fail,
and all God’s will be done,
’til ev’ry soul whom he has giv’n
to Christ be won.
4. The battle is the Lord’s!
Stand still, my soul, and view
the great salvation God has wrought,
revealed for you.
Then, resting in his might,
lift high his triumph song,
for pow’r, dominion, kingdom, strength
to God belong!

First Line:
The battle is the Lord’s! The harvest fields are white;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 545
Song Key: F minor
Language: English
Authors: Margaret Clarkson, 1960
Tune Name: LEONI
Themes: Christian warfare
Composer: Jewish melody
Arranger: Meyer Lyon, 1770
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain