I believe I cannot on my own
know the Jesus is Lord,
but God as the Holy Spirit shows
the light of the Gospel Word.
God claims, me, God names me,
and gives me holy gifts.
God claims me, God names me,
and in true faith uplifts.
And in the same way God calls the church:
gather, enlighten, and cleanse,
and keeps it united with our Lord,
on faith which the Church depends.
God claims us, God names us,
communion of saints we are.
God claims us, God names us,
we come from near and far.
Showing great love, God forgives my sins,
and those of all who believe,
and when at last God will raise the dead,
forever life we'll receive.
God claims us, God names us,
communion of saints we are.
God claims us, God names us,
we come from near and far.
I believe I cannot on my own
know the Jesus is Lord,
but God as the Holy Spirit shows
the light of the Gospel Word.