1.The LORD God reigns on high;
let all the peoples quake!
He sits enthroned on cherubim;
let all earth shake!
In Zion God is great;
o’er all the world enthroned.
O praise his great and awesome name,
the Holy One!
2.The mighty King is just,
ordaining equity;
in Jacob you love justice,
judging righteously.
Exalt the LORD our God,
and worship him alone.
O come and at his footstool bow,
the Holy One.
3.For Moses was his priest,
and Aaron was the same;
among them also Samuel
invoked his name.
They called upon the LORD;
he from the cloud was heard.
His testimonies they obeyed
and kept his word.
4.O LORD our sov’reign God,
you answered their lament.
O God you were forgiving, yet
their wrongs avenged.
Exalt the LORD our God;
before his mountain come
and worship God, for he is LORD,
the Holy One.

First Line:
The LORD God reigns on high; let all the peoples quake!
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 99A
Song Key: F minor
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: LEONI
Themes: Psalm 99
Composer: Jewish melody
Arranger: Meyer Lyon, 1770
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