1.The LORD is great and greatly praised;
let all his praises tell
within the city of our God,
upon his holy hill.
Mount Zion, in its height so lovely,
joy of all the earth;
the great King’s city far excels
the mountains of the north.
2.Within her citadels and tow’rs
God’s presence is revealed,
for he has shown himself to be
her fortress and her shield.
Behold the kings assembled there,
together they passed by;
they saw her and were filled with awe,
in terror took to flight.
3.Like women giving birth in pain
they trembled in dismay.
You shattered them like ships of Tarshish
blown by winds away.
As we have heard, so we have seen:
God’s city will endure;
the LORD of hosts forevermore
his city keeps secure.
4.We contemplate your steadfast love
within your house, O God;
for, like your name, O God, your praise
extends through earth abroad.
With justice is your right hand filled;
Mount Zion’s joy is great.
Let Judah’s daughters now rejoice,
your judgments celebrate.
5.Round Zion walk and count her tow’rs;
view ev’ry citadel,
so children yet unborn may hear
her story that you tell:
that this, our God and LORD, is God,
forever he abides;
forever he will be our God
and our eternal guide.

First Line:
The LORD is great and greatly praised; let all his praises tell
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 48B
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Themes: Psalm 48
Composer: Traditional English melody
Arranger: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!