1. Our Father, great in majesty,
enthroned in heaven eternally,
with childlike trust we seek your face,
relying on your love and grace.
In faith and rev’rence we draw near,
for you, in Christ, our prayer will hear.
2. Your name be hallowed and adored.
Teach us to know you from your word
and from your glorious works and ways,
that we might offer you our praise.
May our whole life enhance your fame,
that others, too, might praise your name.
3. Lord, may your kingdom come with haste;
lay Satan’s dark domain to waste.
May you so rule us by your word
that we acknowledge you as Lord.
Preserve your church, make her complete,
until all worship at your feet.
4. O Father, may your will be done
on earth below, by ev’ryone.
May we deny our willful way,
and, without murm’ring, you obey.
In all our duties, Lord, may we,
like heaven’s angels, faithful be.
5. Give us this day our daily bread,
that we may from your hand be fed.
In all the work we need to do
remind us to depend on you,
not trusting creatures here below,
but you, from whom all blessings flow.
6. Do not our sins and debts record,
but freely pardon them, O Lord.
Cleanse us from all our wretchedness
through Christ, whose blood was shed for us—
as, prompted by the grace you give,
our neighbor’s debts we, too, forgive.
7. Into temptation lead us not,
lest we in Satan’s snares be caught.
Uphold us by your Spirit’s might;
put mortal enemies to flight.
May we against our foes contend
and be victorious in the end.
8. Yours is the kingdom, yours the might,
and yours alone the glory bright!
All this we ask of you, our King,
for you are Lord of everything
in this age and eternally.
Amen, amen, so shall it be!

First Line:
Our Father, great in majesty, enthroned in heaven eternally,
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 521
Song Key: C minor
Language: English
Authors: Based on the Heidelberg Catechism, section on the Lord's Prayer; George Ph. van Popta
Themes: Prayer
Composer: Valentin Schumann, "Geistliche Lieder', 1539
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- George Ph. van Popta