1 The thing my God doth hate
That may I no more do,
Thy creature, Lord, again create,
And all my soul renew;
My soul shall then, like thine,
Abhor the thing unclean,
And, sanctified by love divine,
Forever cease from sin.
2 That blessed law of thine,
Jesus, to me impart;
The Spirit's law of life divine,
O write it in my heart!
Implant it deep within,
Whence it may ne'er remove,
The law of liberty from sin,
The perfect law of love.
3 Thy nature be my law,
Thy spotless sanctity,
And sweetly every moment draw
My happy soul to thee.
Soul of my soul remain!
Who didst for all fulfill,
In me, O Lord, fulfill again
Thy heav'nly Father's will!

First Line:
The thing my God doth hate That I no more may do,
Songbook: Our Great Redeemer's Praise
Page Number: 323
Song Key: E flat
Language: English
Authors: Charles Wesley
Themes: Holiness and sanctification
Composer: George William Martin
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- Public Domain