1. Grace of the Father before there was time,
chose us in Christ by the mercy divine.
Love laid the plans for our rescue to be
purchased by blood for our union with thee.
2. Humbled in flesh, O thou bright shining Son,
Lord of the universe bearing our sin,
long-suff’ring Servant from manger to tree,
thy substitution won union with thee.
3. Raised on the third day, Destroyer of death,
sent forth thy Spirit with lifegiving breath.
Hearts are made new, dead eyes opened to see;
life-yielding faith brings us union with thee.
4. Filled with thy Spirit, we’re led by thy Word;
cross before crown is our road and reward.
Dark be the path, yet in thy light we see
dying is living in union with thee.
5. Loved by the Father and bought by the Son,
called by the Spirit to service and song,
strangers and exiles until we receive
pleasures unfading in union with thee.

First Line:
Grace of the Father before there was time, chose us in Christ by the mercy divine.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 448
Song Key: E flat
Language: English
Authors: Jeremiah Montgomery, 2014
Tune Name: SLANE
Themes: Union with Christ
Composer: Traditional Irish melody; Harm. OPC/URCNA 2016
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Jeremiah Montgomery