1 We call ourselves disciples,
as pilgrims on the way.
We seek the truth in wisdom,
and beauty in each day.
As women, men, and children,
we serve Christ's path to clear.
In joyful expectation
we see God's reign draw near.
2 The cup and cross before us,
proclaim our hope above,
the sign of our Redeemer,
the vessel of his love.
Once more the cross is lifte,
the cup poured out for all.
When gathered at the table
we hear our common call.
3 We're baptized in the Spirit,
in waters God provides.
In Christ we rise to newness,,
for in him we have died.
Now dead to powers of evil,
and free from hopeless fears,
we live with faith and purpose,
creative through the years.
4 We join with all disciples
to live the Word in deed,
to share the cup of water
and bread with all in need;
to work till God's compassion
and righteousness prevail,
till all this planet's people
know justice without fail.
5 So now the vision brightens,
the light of Christ burns still
in hearts of all disciples
to be the church God wills.
From quiet meditation,
and joyous hymns of praise,
we go to do God's mission!
Christ, lead us all our days!