Verse 1
What sacred fountain freely springs up
From the throne of God
And all new covenant blessing brings
It's Jesus' precious blood
O precious blood it covers me
It takes away the stain of sin
Such power there is contained within
Jesus' precious blood
Verse 2
What a mighty sum paid all my debt
When I a bankrupt stood
And has my life in credit set
It's Jesus' precious blood
Verse 3
What stream is that which sweeps away
My sin just like a flood
So not a hint of it can stay
It's Jesus' precious blood
Verse 4
What voice is that which speaks for me
In heaven's high court for good
And justifies and sets me free
It's Jesus' precious blood
Verse 5
What theme my soul shall best employ
Your song before Your God
And make all heaven ring for joy
It's Jesus' precious blood