When Christ went to the Temple to worship God one day,
He entered through the courtyard where anyone could pray.
That court was for the nations — and all could enter in.
But Jesus found a market, a shameful robbers' den.
There, cattle, sheep and pigeons were sold for sacrifice,
And moneychangers shouted of quality and price.
Outsiders could not enter the inner courts for prayer.
Their only place to worship was in the courtyard there.
When prayer gave way to profit, and pride closed many doors,
The Lord cried out in anger and made a whip of cords.
He shooed the sheep and cattle and scattered pigeons, too.
God's house was for all people — not for a chosen few.
O God, you love the nations and call us all to pray.
Forgive us when our worship turns other folk away.
As Christ, in loving protest, fought prejudice and pride,
May we who follow Jesus now welcome all inside.