When eyes that we once knew as keen, alive to every wondrous sight, turn inward toward some land unseen of hidden seas and unknown heights, grant us to look upon the face and find the heart to take the loss, the patience and a touch of grace to bear this bitter, lingering cross. When murmurs come where speech had been, the laughter gone, the well-turned phrase, the voice that we delighted in, the pleasant chats of other days-- though these are stilled, may we recall the hours we spent, the joy we knew, the words we shared before this wall of silence and of sorrow grew. These hands that flitted over cloth, or roughened as the wood grew smooth, that dug the garden, stirred the broth, sensed when to prod and how to soothe-- God, as we hold now taskless hands, and help with clothing, care, and food, we pray the soul may understand the things we do in gratitude. O God, this mind we thought so vast contracts, and simple thoughts go wrong, yet still it treasures music past: a wisp of words, a snatch of song. Within the burdens we must bear your grace still shines in such small things. We trust all to your loving care, rejoicing that the soul still sings.

First Line:
When eyes that we once knew as k
Songbook: All Creation Sings
Page Number: 1028
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: John Core
Tune Name: CANDLER
Composer: Scottish melody
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- Hope Publishing
- OneLicense
This song is licensed by more than one licensing service. To legally project/copy this song, you must have at least ONE of the licenses listed below:
— A CCLI license
For more information or to purchase a license, contact www.ccli.com
— A OneLicense license
For more information or to purchase a license, contact www.onelicense.net