1. All you that fear Jehovah’s name,
his glory tell, his praise proclaim;
you children of his chosen race,
stand now in awe before his face,
stand now in awe before his face.
2. The suff’ring One he has not spurned,
who unto him for help has turned;
from him he has not hid his face,
but answered his request in grace,
but answered his request in grace.
3. O Lord, your goodness makes me raise
amid your people songs of praise;
before all them that fear you, now
I worship you and pay my vow,
I worship you and pay my vow.
4. For all the meek you will provide,
they shall be fed and satisfied;
all they that seek the Lord shall live
and never-ending praises give,
and never-ending praises give.
5. The Lord’s unfailing righteousness
all generations shall confess;
from age to age shall men be taught
what wondrous works the Lord has wrought,
what wondrous works the Lord has wrought.

First Line:
All you that fear Jehovah’s name, his glory tell, his praise proclaim;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 22b
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: The Psalter, 1912
Themes: Psalm 22
Composer: Frederick M. A. Venua
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain