1. Why do heathen nations rage?
Why do peoples plot in vain?
Kings and rulers join to wage
war against God’s royal reign.
Speaking out against the LORD,
his Anointed they defy:
“Let us break apart their cords,
cast away their chains,” they cry.
2. He who sits in heaven laughs;
God derides and mocks them all.
Then he speaks to them in wrath,
fear and dread on them do fall:
“Yet according to my will,
I have set my king to reign,
fixed on Zion’s holy hill,
my Anointed will remain.”
3. I will tell of his decree:
this to me the LORD did say,
“You are my beloved Son;
I have brought you forth this day.
Ask for all the earth abroad,
you shall own the nations far.
You will break them with a rod,
dash them like a potter’s jar.”
4. Therefore, kings, be wise, be warned;
rulers of the earth, give ear.
Come with awe and serve the LORD:
mingle joy with trembling fear.
Kiss the Son, his anger turn,
lest you perish in the way,
for his wrath will quickly burn.
All who trust him—blest are they!

First Line:
Why do heathen nations rage? Why do peoples plot in vain?
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 2B
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: SALZBURG (Hintze)
Themes: Psalm 2
Composer: Jakob Hintze, 1687; Harm. Johann Sebastian Bach,, 1685-1750
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