1 Would you bless our homes and families
Source of life who calls us here;
In our world of stress and tension
Teach us love that conquers fear.
Help us learn to love each other
With a love that constant stays;
Teach us when we face our troubles,
Love's expressed in many ways.
2 When our way is undemanding,
Let us use the time that's ours
To delight in simple pleasures,
Sharing joys in gentle hours.
When our way is anxious walking
And a heavy path we plod,
Teach us trust in one another
And in You, our gracious God.
3 From the homes in which we're nurtured,
With the love that shapes us there,
Teach us, God, to claim as family
Every one whose life we share.
And thro' all that life may offer,
May we in Your love remain;
May the love we share in families
Be alive to praise Your name.
4 Let us reach beyond the boundaries
Of our daily thought and care
'Til the family You have chosen
Spills its love out everywhere.
Help us learn to love each other
With a love that constant stays;
Teach us when we face our troubles,
Love's expressed in many ways.