1. Your law, O God, is our delight;
your statutes faithful, true and right.
It guides our feet and shines as light,
that we may walk with you aright.
2. Your law, O God, reveals our sin,
how foul and stained are we within.
O cleanse us from iniquity
and train our hearts from sin to flee.
3. Lord, we have failed your law’s demands
with impure hearts and unclean hands.
But One has kept them perfectly—
our Savior, Jesus Christ, is he.
4. Our sins were placed upon his head;
he suffered anguish in our stead.
Now his obedience is our own;
our righteousness is Christ alone.
5. We show our thankfulness and love
by keeping precepts from above;
so teach us, Lord, your statutes well;
incline our hearts on them to dwell.
6. Have mercy on your wayward sheep;
from us the devil safely keep.
Cause us to walk upon your way,
and sanctify us more each day.
7. Your law, O God, is our delight;
your statutes faithful, true and right.
Confirm your word within our hearts
that we may not from you depart.

First Line:
Your law, O God, is our delight; your statutes faithful, true and right.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 175
Song Key: A
Language: English
Authors: Based on Psalm 119; Derrick and Debbie Vander Meulen, 2015
Tune Name: GERMANY
Themes: God's Word and Law
Composer: William Gardiner, "Sacred Melodies', 1815
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Derrick and Debbie Vander Meulen