1. Zion, to thy Savior singing,
to thy Prince and Shepherd bringing
sweetest hymns of love and praise,
thou wilt never reach the measure
of his worth, by all the treasure
of thy most ecstatic lays.
2. Of all wonders that can thrill thee,
and with adoration fill thee,
what than this can greater be,
that himself to thee he giveth?
He that eateth ever liveth,
for the Bread of Life is he.
3. Fill thy lips to overflowing
with sweet praise, his mercy showing,
who this heav’nly table spread:
on this day so glad and holy,
to each longing spirit lowly
giveth he the living Bread.
4. Here the King hath spread his table,
whereon eyes of faith are able
Christ our Passover to trace:
shadows of the law are going,
light and life and truth inflowing,
night to day is giving place.
5. O Good Shepherd, Bread lifegiving,
us, thy grace and life receiving,
feed and shelter evermore;
thou on earth our weakness guiding,
we in heav’n with thee abiding
with all saints will thee adore.

First Line:
Zion, to thy Savior singing, to thy Prince and Shepherd bringing
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 199
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: Thomas Aquinas, ca. 1260
Themes: The Lord's Supper
Composer: Gerald F. Cobb, 1838-1904
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain